Good school is a happy school

The Sir Thomas Boteler Church of England High School community are celebrating following their recent Ofsted inspection, having being graded a ‘Good’ school.
This was the first routine inspection of the school since 2014, and this is the first time it has been judged as ‘Good’.
Inspectors met with the headteacher, senior leadership team, middle leaders and a range of teaching and support staff, as well as the students.
An inspector spoke with the chief executive officer of the multi-academy trust, the governing body, a representative of the local authority and The Director of Education for Diocese of Chester.
The report states: “Pupils are immensely proud of their school. They value the sense of belonging that they feel in this tight-knit community.
“Many pupils told inspectors that they feel part of the ‘Boteler’ family. The school community celebrates diversity. Pupils said that the school is a safe space where they can grow, free to be themselves. They are happy.”
“The school has been on an incredible journey since it was placed in Special Measures in 2014,” said Headteacher Bev Scott-Herron.
“I remember standing in front of the parents and carers (as I had only just been appointed) and promised them that we would get the school to ‘Good’.
“That moment has never left me. Our young people have always been our priority and remain so.
“Our moral purpose and vision and values have remained steadfast.
“We do what we do because it is the right thing to do to improve life chances, and we will continue to go above and beyond. The love, care and compassion has not changed, and never will.
“I am extremely proud of all my staff and we have been able to achieve this wonderful report because we work consistently as a team.”
The full report can be read here: