This week, Sir Thomas Botelar (STB) welcomed 24 companies, colleges and universities into school for their annual careers fair. Students from Year 8 through to Year 11 all had the opportunity to meet employers and ask questions about their industry, related careers and what qualifications and skills are needed.
Students really enjoyed the experience and exhibitors were pleased with how STB students engaged with them. They commented on how students came prepared with questions and were really interested in finding our more about their industry as well as many already having clear visions of what they wanted to do in the future.
Mrs Anna Mawby, Assistant Headteacher and event lead at STB said, “ The careers fair enables students to learn about their options post 16 and the routes available to them. Students have the chance to speak with employers about the opportunities available within that industry sector and what experiences and qualifications they might need to get there. It was fabulous to see our students engaging with the employers and asking informed questions.”
Thank you to all employers who took part:
Bridgewater Community Healthcare NHS
Priestley College
Warrington Vale Royal College
Ministry of Defence
The British Army
Cronton/Riverside College
Beechwood Industries
Gullivers Fun
Morson-Projects Engineering
Cheshire Fire Service
United Living
Arnold Clarke
The McLaren Group
Barratt Developments
Jakata salon
Psychology Service – be Mindful
Simian Risk Group