PCSO Dave Mahon visited Broomfields to speak in assembly about the Mini Police Initiative.
Following his talk pupils in Years 5 and 6 wrote to Mrs Morris Brown, explaining why they would like to become one.
They then had to be interviewed by Mrs Morris Brown, PCSO Mahon and PC Muldowney to explain why they could be trusted to make a positive difference to the school and local community.
Before long their police uniform arrived and the pupils were so excited to be invited to their Attestation at Warrington Police Station where they had a tour around the Police Museum and made their promise to serve the community to the best of their ability.
Their role in school is extensive, being great role models of good citizens and educators to parents.
Just this week they were seen out on patrol at the front of school, addressing the serious issue of parking. The children offered advice as to where would be safe for parents to park and supported the children to safely arrive at school and leave at the end of the day.
The school looks forward to seeing how this role will develop and the impact these officers of the future will have on safety in our school and community.